Amber Sigg Coaching & Consulting

locationWindsor, CO United States

Amber Sigg

Keeping Your Business "On Pointe"
Amber Sigg Coaching & Consulting

About me

Hi. My name is Amber Sigg. For over 20 years I have been a business owner & entrepreneur.

While many consultants create a one-size fits all approach; we believe improving the way our clients work by creating an individualized strategy plan. 

We find that most professionals we work with are either too close to the issue they face; or lack the time or the scope to find the solution they are seeking.

The bottleneck effect this creates in their daily operation stalls productivity, progress, growth and so much more.

By providing a unique combination of strategy planning, coaching & consulting to our clients they are able to gain clarity, become more productive and find solutions to get "On Pointe".

Hi. My name is Amber Sigg. For over 20 years I have been a business owner & entrepreneur.

My roles and specialties

Business Consultant

Strategy & Planning, Business Operations

What makes you uniquely special?

By creating a unique combination of strategy, consulting & coaching we are able empower our clients for success. This collaboration creates a strategy that is individualized to our client & their business. The result being, our client is able get on point & launch forward. 

Why do you love doing what you do?

There will always be challenges, but opportunities too great not to take them on again (and again). Chances are good you have experienced some of those same-life lessons and they exist within the pages of your story somewhere... Right?

The journey of entrepreneurship can sometimes feel like an endless stream -with new obstacles popping up every day-, which means it requires careful planning & strategy if we want any chance at success. 

Personally, throughout my own journey, knowing I have to adapt to the world around me. Being able to keep in sight the core of my business strategy, vision and goals have kept me "On Pointe" and moving forward.

To put it plainly this is exactly what I help other professionals do. So, if you too are ready to get "On Pointe" let's chat.

Contact me

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