Tropical Trail Digital Marketing

Let’s connect

locationMahaicony, Mahaica-Berbice Guyana

Assanié Morrison

Pinterest Manager for Female Entrepreneurs
Tropical Trail Digital Marketing

About me

I’m Sannié, a proud Guyanese diving deep into the digital marketing world. I grew up in Guyana’s countryside, surrounded by trees, animals, and the whole farm life. I’m a mix of quiet vibes and total sass. I’m VERY sarcastic, a coffee addict, and a bookworm. I have three diplomas and a handful of certificates in digital marketing stuff.

Enough about me – let’s talk business.

I dived into the online space at 17, hustling to support my dream of full-time volunteering. After some online job rollercoasters (think Upwork, Fiverr, and a scam thrown in), I came across Pinterest VA. Started slowly as a General VA, did my Pinterest courses, and that was it! I was ready to really dive into and showcase my Pinterest management expertise.

Tropical Trails was born! I wanted to blend the essence of Guyana’s tropical beauty with innovative digital strategies, showcasing the harmony between culture and modernity.

Tropical Trails is where the tropics meet tech!


My roles and specialties

Social Media Marketer

Content Marketing, Pinterest Marketing

Articles & Blog Posts Writer

Let’s connect

My portfolio

Visit these portfolio pieces to see more of my work.

How can Pinterest help drive traffic to my website or online store?

Pinterest is a powerful visual search engine that allows users to discover, save, and engage with content. By strategically creating and sharing visually appealing content, optimized with relevant keywords, you can attract users actively seeking products or information similar to what you offer. Through engaging pins linking back to your website or online store, Pinterest can significantly increase your traffic and conversions.

I already have a large following on Instagram; do I still need Pinterest?

Yes, having a strong presence on Instagram is valuable, but Pinterest offers a different user experience and audience. Pinterest is a discovery platform where users actively search for ideas, inspiration, and products. It can complement your Instagram efforts by driving additional traffic, reaching a different audience, and providing long-term visibility for your content.

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