Let’s connect

locationDaytona Beach, FL United States

David Pough

Co-Founder of UYRLife... the club 4 creatives!

About me

I believe clarifying is the greatest act of service in at this point in humanity. That as well as creating to genuinely help others. There has been a BOOM recently in companies, organizations, & yes even individuals who have begun to take full advantage of people who are just looking to grow and develop. I like to think being as transparent as we can throughout the entire customer/client process is one way we can combat this rising issue. Which is what led me to a platform like Indy that encourages that exact transparency. I look forward to showing results consistently and laying potential clients concerns & questions to rest. It's a great feeling knowing you've been completely honest and forthcoming about all of the information people need to know about working with you. You may not land/ close every deal, but the ones you do will be worth all the while!

My roles and specialties

Business Consultant

Business Operations, Strategy & Planning, Integrated Marketing Communications

Let’s connect

What is your primary focus as an independent professional?

My primary focus truly is clarity and transparency. In todays hustle culture there are so many frauds who take full advantage of people with their words. That's why our pricing model is very tailored and specific to each individual. It's also built off results so people get more accustomed to the rate for result model! Making sure that whoever you hire is actually producing results should be a stipulation of every proposal!

How do you keep the creative fires burning?

I honestly take inspiration from any + everywhere. I believe a lot of us were designed to simply create be it writing, speaking, cinematography, strategizing.. We all have our own piece to offer to the ever-expanding puzzle of life. I think finding that piece is and will always be the challenge of it though. However, once it's found, or even been made aware of, it does start to easily set the precedent for how we personally engage and interact with one another moving forward. Inspiration itself is a form of creation, if you don't believe me, you probably haven't been inspired yet!

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