See how I can put your small business in the big leagues. Have big ideas? I will help your small business innovate, and implement new technologies like:
Case Study #1:
GoDelivR / GoDrivR - Mobile & Web apps, AI backend, multiple API integrations
Case Study #2:
Sixth Sense - Human assisted AI for Radiology, Object, Face, Person & Mood Detection
Case Study #3:
Undisclosed - Extended range for Over the Air Power distribution - powering ioT and charging small devices over RF power distribution upto 4km
IT consultant
Visit these portfolio pieces to see more of my work.
I am open to big and small R&D projects, MVP design and development (software / hardware) and general business technology problem solving.
I My primary focus is to advance the use of technology in small business. To create, innovate and to test the limits of business technology.