Matchstick Developers

locationNY United States

Mark Froehlich

Web and Mobile Developers
Matchstick Developers

About me

We're web and mobile developers that focus on software solutions that help you accomplish your goals. Whether that be:

  • Grow your business
  • Reach more of an audience
  • Sell your product(s)
  • Automate tasks

Whatever it is you need, we'll help you get it done in a way that fits your particular needs. We strive to create software solutions that allow you, the client, to make updates and customizations without the need of a developer.

My roles and specialties

Web Developer

Wordpress, Shopify, React

Software Development

Javascript, AWS Lambda, React

Mobile Apps Developer

React Native

What makes you uniquely special?

As a developer with a degree in Marketing, I feel I have an unfair advantage in developing websites. Not only do I have a good idea as to "what sells", but once there's a plan and website design in place, I can develop it as well.

I've worked as a developer for big companies and small marketing agencies so I've seen a lot of different kinds of projects. From Wordpress, to React, to AWS Lambda functions and a lot of others in between, I can figure out the right solution for the problem at hand.

What kinds of projects are you open to?

While I love Javascript based projects using React, React Native or Node.js the most, I also work on plenty of Wordpress sites and other types of sites.

I've worked with a lot of different technologies, but one thing I find I'm pretty good at is just "figuring it out". If I haven't worked with a certain framework or language, I'm quick to pick it up and make meaningful contributions.

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