Hearo Technologies

locationSpringfield, MO United States

Myke Bates

CEO, CO-Founder
Hearo Technologies

About me

Myke Bates is a web mastering, movie quoting, horror flick loving, metal music shredding, community building, remote-support platform creating, front/back-end developing, pizza devouring, all around epically bad-ass tech junkie. Myke's a midwest yocal with code dripping from his fingers and stars in his eyes. Listen to him, collab with him, be inspired by him - or don't; this is a bio paragraph not a life coach.

My roles and specialties

Software Engineer

What kinds of projects are you open to?

Anything related to RS and AT

What's the best way for someone to reach you for a collaboration or project opportunity?

Email or call me, any time!

Contact me

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