Patrick Uselding Coaching

Let’s connect

locationSheboygan, WI United States

Patrick Uselding, CPC

Certified Professional Coach & Educator
Patrick Uselding Coaching

About me

I am a people person who takes great pride in being able to help people achieve. I am proud to bring my zeal for life and enjoyment of helping people to thrive everywhere I go. I enjoy fostering strong relationships. I have a passion for supporting, motivating, & empowering others to help them unlock their potential and become the best version of themselves. It is exciting to partner with people to help them to get from where they are at to where they want to be. And as we better ourselves, we make positive impacts in our communities.  My hope is that through investing in ourselves (and others) we can make the communities in which we live more respectful and accepting places for all of us to co-exist together peacefully.

My roles and specialties

Life Coach

Career Counselor

Project Manager

Let’s connect

What's the best way for someone to reach you for a collaboration or project opportunity?

The best way to reach me is through email at The easiest way to reach me may be by using the contact button below. I can also be reached by phone at 920-395-8332. You could also message me through LinkedIn

Have you always been independent? What has your career trajectory been?

I worked in the field of education for nearly thirty years. Along the way, I mentored & trained other educators; created & presented a great deal of professional development to staff; served on countless committees & leadership teams; and made an impact in the lives of countless children & adults. I am no longer in the field of education. I decided to put my years of experience to use in another support profession and became a Certified Professional Coach! Last year I decided it was time to make a change. I am now working as a lead coach for a local project that trains educators to use coaching skills to better support their colleagues who in turn can better support their students. In addition, I am an independent personal coach working with educators and other professionals.

What is your primary focus as an independent professional?

As a coach, I offer a safe and supportive coaching environment, where you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and ideas. I believe that everyone is unique.  I take the time to get to know you, so that I can develop a coaching plan that suits your needs. My coaching sessions are designed to be collaborative and engaging to help you stay motivated and focused. I partner with you in a thought-provoking & creative process to inspire you to maximize your personal & professional potential.  I am committed to helping you achieve what it is you're looking to accomplish. I am passionate about helping you succeed, and dedicated to providing you with the highest quality coaching services.

How do you continue to grow your professional skills?

I enjoy learning which is a great benefit when it comes to growing my professional skills! I learn through networking with other coaches, reading books, researching, and taking online courses. I am currently reading How to Change-The Science of Getting from Where You are to Where You Want to Be by Katy Milkman. I am also in the process of choosing a new online class to take.

What kinds of projects are you open to?

In addition to coaching individuals who contract with me, I am open to partnering with an organization, business, school, etc. that is interested in offering coaching to their employees.

Contact me

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