locationSan Antoni, San Antonio, TX United States

Andrew Martinez

WordPress Website Consultant and Digital Content Strategist
Powerful Digital Solutions

About me

Many small business owners miss out on opportunities for more clients or revenue because of an outdated website or no website at all. They are often lost/overwhelmed and don’t have the time nor expertise to create their own professional online presence.

As a WordPress Website Consultant and the owner of Powerful Digital Solutions, I understand these struggles. My team and I keep on top of the latest trends and know how to take you from ideas on paper to a live, professional website based on your goals and objectives.

When you have a professional website worth showing off, you can look forward to more leads, clients, revenue, and status. Whenever a prospect asks if you have a website, you’ll have a link to share with full assurance knowing that your website can serve as your “silent sales & marketing rep”.

Check out my portfolio at https://powerfuldigitalsolutions.com/portfolio/

My roles and specialties

Wordpress Developer

Web Development, Web Design, Digital Strategist

Content Marketer

SEO, Copywriting, Email Marketing

What is your primary focus as an independent professional?

I take time to get to know a client’s goals and overall vision and help them create their online presence. In addition to WordPress website design and development, I work on other aspects of their digital content, such as copywriting, SEO, and email marketing. 

A business’ website is so much more than a link you put on your business card or social media profile; it’s similar to a 24/7 sales and marketing rep that works to bring in more leads and ultimately more revenue. My focus is helping my clients take advantage of that.

What makes you uniquely special?

Unlike other freelance web developers that focus on highlighting their HTML or CSS expertise and building a static website, I concentrate on helping my clients achieve their goals and vision. We collaborate to formulate a long-term strategy that grows with their business.

Furthermore, I specialize in WordPress websites built with the Divi theme so that clients have the option to make their own website updates without touching code.

How do you keep the creative fires burning?

I do a lot of journal writing, which I always find keeps the creative fires burning. I love spending time in nature, even if it’s just going for a country drive. I find in those moments, I often get a burst of inspiration, so I keep a notepad in my car.

Why do you love doing what you do?

I love working for myself and being able to set my work-life balance. I also love putting my technical abilities to work and helping others benefit from having their own effective website.

Have you always been independent? What has your career trajectory been?

My introduction into this career was through affiliate marketing. I was working as a non-commissioned security guard at a federal office building at the time. I was looking to branch out when I saw an online course that, among other things, taught me how to build a WordPress site, create a blog with strategically inserted affiliate links. 

I loved it and started to do more courses and teach myself about different web design and online marketing aspects, picking up HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Bit by bit, I started to take on a few private clients, making websites for them until I was ready to do it full-time.

How do you continue to grow your professional skills?

I have continued to do courses and learn throughout my career. I take my ongoing learning, growth, and development very seriously. There are a number of blogs and newsletters relating to WordPress, web development, web design, SEO, digital marketing, and online business that I regularly consume. I also make myself available for any webinars that contribute to my learning, growth, and development.

WordPress, web design, and digital marketing are continually evolving, so it’s vital to stay on top of all this.

How have you benefited from mentors in your career?

As I've gained more experience as an independent consultant, I've realized the importance of mentors and learning from those who have already achieved the results I'm looking for.

In the realm of WordPress website development (honing my craft), I have learned from the following:

  • Gregg Davis (taught me how to cover all my bases when building personal/client sites)
  • Troy Dean (helped me go from project-based income to recurring income)
  • Ray DelVecchio (taught me the importance of finding a local niche to serve)

In regard to online business and digital marketing (developing my "business smarts"), the following have helped me:

  • Chris Williams (helped me go from solopreneur to agency owner)
  • Josh Nelson (helped me refine my internal agency systems)
  • Don Miller (taught me how to refine my messaging)
  • Russell Brunson (helped me refine overall digital marketing strategy including the use of funnels)
  • Jeff Walker (taught me how to do product launches)

I've also had the following help me develop the right mindset for success and contribute to my overall growth and development:

  • Tony Robbins
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Dean Graziosi
  • Roger Love

Who are some of the clients you have worked with?

I have worked with many clients both local and in other countries.

While chiropractors are my niche, I have worked with a broad range of clients such as coaches, authors, bloggers, and other small business owners.

What is the most significant (to you) project you have worked on?

I recently worked on a website remodel for a meditation coach in the Arizona area. Her website was very unclear and cluttered. The previous designers weren’t very online marketing-minded and she had seen a real drop in new activity and leads. It needed a complete makeover. It ended up being a much more complex process than initially anticipated involving creating a specific staging platform.

This was a very good reminder to me to continue to stay on top of the latest web design trends and always keep the user experience (UX) in mind. I also get to use this as a case study in demonstrating an effective website vs. an ineffective website.

What does the perfect job look like to you?

I generally prefer working on a new website build where I’m not working from someone else’s foundation or trying to correct previous mistakes. I love to be able to develop a relationship with the client to fully understand their vision.

This is the perfect client project for me from start to finish:

  • the client and I first meet via Zoom to discuss their goals and objectives
  • I prepare a proposal with recommended courses of action based on what was discussed
  • the client and I meet again via Zoom to go over the proposal and cover any questions/concerns
  • the client agrees to the project and is happy to (digitally) sign the contract and pay initial invoice
  • the client sends me all the content, instructions, etc. that I need
  • I'm able to work on creating the client website anywhere I have a secure, reliable Internet connection
  • after finishing and delivering the website, the client likes what they see and is happy to invest in one of my retainer plans

Overall, the "perfect job" is any project where the client fully respects my time & expertise, is happy to pay my invoices knowing that they are getting an excellent ROI, does not try to get as much as they can for as little as they can, and is happy to pay a monthly/yearly retainer.

In addition to having a passion for WordPress website development and digital marketing, I also have a passion for natural health and alternative medicine. Thus, I enjoy serving chiropractors and other similar practitioners.

What kinds of projects are you open to?

WordPress website design and development or redesign projects with a focus on improving a business’ overall online presence.

Although I specialize in the Divi theme for WordPress websites, I'm happy to to work on any WordPress website project that involves any theme/plugins.

I'm also open to helping clients with their email marketing funnels, sales funnels, consultation funnels, or webinar funnels. I can also create interactive videos upon request.

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