Use our simple calculator to work out how much you'll pay in Upwork service fees and the exact billing rate from Upwork.
Indy isn't a replacement for Upwork. But for just $25 per month, Indy can help you manage your proposals, contracts, and invoices for your non-Upwork clients.
Indy is a complete freelancer work management platform. You can use a single system to manage your entire workflow, from making contact with new clients through to receiving payment after you send the invoice. Here are some parts of your work Indy can help you with:
The Upwork agency service fees change based on your lifetime billings with the client. Here is an Upwork service fee invoice breakdown based on your earnings:
This sliding fee based on total billings rewards freelancers who develop long-term relationships with clients.
Businesses hiring on Upwork do not pay fees on the same sliding scale. Instead, businesses pay payment fees, but these are relatively small.
There are a few ways to lower or avoid Upwork fees. Here are the best ways to increase your net take home pay: