Compose.Land Limited

Let’s connect


Adam Rybinski

Full-Stack Engineering, Gen AI, and Cloud Infrastructure
Compose.Land Limited

About me

I am a passionate Full-Stack Engineer with a deep interest in the intersection of technology and cognitive science. My journey began with a fascination for how the brain works, leading me to study Brain and Cognitive Science and then to implement my AI interests in cognitive applications I worked on as software engineer in IBM

Why I Do What I Do:

  • Human-Centric Solutions: Technology should enhance human potential, improving efficiency and user experience.
  • Innovation Through AI: I develop intelligent applications using Gen AI to provide meaningful insights.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: I design robust cloud systems to ensure your business can grow without limits.

What I Can Do for You:

  • Custom Full-Stack Development: Tailored solutions for your specific needs.
  • AI Integration: Transform your data with cutting-edge Gen AI technologies.
  • Cloud Architecture: Scalable infrastructure to support your business growth.

Let's Connect:

My roles and specialties

Software Engineer

Gen AI, Web Apps, Cloud Infrastructure

Let’s connect

How have you benefited from mentors in your career?

I learned to balance the pursuit of cutting-edge solutions with the need for stability, ensuring I can offer clients both innovation and reliability.

What is the latest project you completed?

The latest project I completed involved implementing a comprehensive cloud infrastructure along with a sophisticated Web UI:

  1. Node.js Server Application: Developed a robust server-side application using Node.js, ensuring high performance and reliability.
  2. OpenAI Chat Experience: Integrated an advanced OpenAI chat experience, providing intuitive and intelligent user interactions.
  3. Kubernetes on AWS: Set up Kubernetes clusters on Amazon Web Services for seamless deployment, scalability, and management of containerized applications.
  4. Web UI Development: Designed and developed a user-friendly Web UI, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience.
  5. Scalability and Reliability: Created a solution that scales effortlessly to meet growing demands while maintaining stability and performance.

Project Success:

  • Improved Performance: Achieved a 40% increase in system performance and responsiveness.
  • Scalability: Enabled the system to handle a 300% increase in user traffic without downtime.
  • User Engagement: Saw a 50% rise in user engagement due to the OpenAI chat integration.
  • Client Satisfaction: Received positive feedback for exceeding expectations in innovation, reliability, and performance.
  • This project demonstrates my ability to deliver innovative and reliable solutions by combining cutting-edge technology with robust infrastructure design.

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