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How to Write a Meeting Request Email: The Definite Guide

Apr 24, 2023
(updated: Jun 22, 2023)
Max 5 min read

Crafting an effective meeting request email is not just a fundamental skill in the freelancing world—it's the key to unlocking a wealth of opportunities. These emails are the first impressions you give to prospective clients, and like an artist with their canvas, you need to make each stroke count. The ability to secure meetings is an essential foundation for freelancers as it paves the way to showcase talents and captivate potential clients.

This is where Indy, a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed for freelancers, steps in. One of the top reasons freelancers are making the switch to Indy is the level of professionalism and organization the platform offers. The platform’s customizable templates are designed to give your communication, such as meeting request emails, a polished touch. Coupled with a project dashboard that helps manage your workload efficiently, Indy empowers freelancers to convey an image of professionalism and meticulousness that clients find irresistible.

Structuring a Meeting Request Email

Business meeting request emails need to be simple but they also need to contain every bit of relevant information. It may seem strange to be mentioning the band Sum 41 at this point, but the title of their debut album 'All Killer, no Filler' sums up the approach you should take when putting a meeting request email templated together. Here are some key points.

Subject Line

Ok, so let's try and walk in the client's shoes. They've fired up the computer, taken a sip of their first coffee of the day and taken a deep breath before opening their emails. Most of the content of their inbox they won't be in a hurry to read. They'll be looking to wade through all the junk to find anything that may actually be worth their time.

With an irresistible subject line you can grab their attention right away. Take time on this often overlooked detail. Think about the client, what they will be looking for and how you can turn that into a snappy soundbite that will make them open your email in the first place. With cold meeting request emails your subject line must be eye catching, clear and intriguing enough so the client cares to have what's inside revealed.

Email Introduction

This is a meeting email request, so if someone is going to want to meet with you they will have to know who you are. Also, you have to show that you know who they are. Your meeting request email template can make up the bulk of the content but your introduction needs to be specific to who you are trying to impress. Keep it brief, but tell them who you are and why your work is relevant to them.

Purpose of the Meeting

Now it's time to give all the details of why this meeting needs to take place. It is a formal meeting request and should explain why the meeting would be of benefit to both of you.

A trap to avoid is giving too much away at this point. If you say too much now then what will be the point of the meeting? You need to drop hints of why this client will want to work with you but without giving too much away. You need to indicate the value that working with you will bring, as well as showing that there will be a benefit to you. If a client is left thinking "What's in this for you?" then they will think there must be a catch.

The client will have a lot of emails to read through so make sure yours is to the point and that whoever opens it can clearly see the start and end. If they see blocks of text that disappear beyond the bottom of the screen they will instantly mark your e-mail for the 'later' pile. Because they're busy later will likely mean never!

Setting a Date

When you request a meeting it's a good idea to suggest a meeting date or two. The question "When is good for you?" shows that you care but it also indicates that you have all the time in the world, which means nobody is working with you. If you give a short meeting time list then the client will get the impression that your time is valuable and they'd better snap up a meeting before someone else does.

This is the way to draw your e-mail to a close and get that meeting appointment in the diary.

Important Points to Remember

You've got an idea of how to put together a meeting request email sample, now here are some important things to consider when writing the email itself.

Make Sure You Get the Details Right

An instant red flag for potential clients will be if they see typos in their details. Take time to make sure you get the recipient's name right and don't say anything about their company that isn't true. Attention to detail is key for showing that you value them personally and are not taking a scattershot approach to finding clients. Make sure you spell their name correctly - are they Steven or Stephen? Mrs Peterson or Mrs Pietersen? These little things matter.

Keep it Brief

Think of a film poster for Lord of the Rings, not Lord of the Rings itself! The meeting is the time to go into depth about what you can offer. The introductory email is about getting the main details in and inviting them to respond. Use short sentences, short paragraphs and no more paragraphs than are absolutely necessary.

The Personal Touch

You will want to show that you've taken the time to email this client personally and that it's not part of a blanket email to hundreds of companies. Always make sure you use someone's name rather than 'to whom it may concern' and include a couple of details about them that show you know who you are talking to.

Follow Up

If you do not hear anything for a few days or a week it may be worth a follow up email or even a call. Someone may not think you intended to approach them personally but a follow up email can change their mind. It shows that you were actually serious about working with them. However, if you hear nothing back from the follow up either it's time to cut your losses and move on. One follow up shows interest, multiple follow ups just feel like harassment.

Benefits of Meeting Request Emails

A business meeting request email comes with various benefits for both the sender and receiver. They include the following:

It’s perfect for future references

They serve as a reminder to both the recipient and you. Busy daily routines create a possibility that either of you forgets some crucial details, such as the time, meeting agenda, location, or contact information. The meeting request email lets you recap all relevant meeting details.

It makes sending details easy

A meeting request email allows you to easily transfer the meeting details to a calendar or an organizing application on your device with a few clicks. Several email providers have features that allow users to automatically sync emails with their digital calendars.

This feature assists your online calendar in creating a calendar event and marking the time as busy. Both you and your email recipient can also share the email details with anyone else who might be involved with the meeting.

It promotes confidentiality

Certain meetings can only be held in private due to the delicacy of the meeting's purpose and discussion. In these situations, it’s critical that the details of the meeting request email are sent solely to the target individual or group.

Additionally, meeting request emails promote confidentiality between the parties involved. They allow you to organize private meetings with specific people without worrying about confidentiality and professionalism.

It minimizes errors and miscommunication

Meeting request emails give you greater control over the accuracy of the meeting’s details by cross-checking important information such as the location, time, and date of the meeting.

This advantage gives you a chance to eliminate any note-taking mistakes with verbal communication. It also allows every participant in the meeting to have constant access to the details.

It allows you to send attachments and links

A meeting request email allows you to attach and send additional documents or information to the recipient before the meeting. You can also add links to the message if you need the attendees to visit a website for more information.

It encourages a quick reply from the recipient

Meeting request emails make it straightforward for your recipient to send quick responses to you. The system provides quick reply messages such as ‘Yes, I agree,’ ‘No, I can’t,’ and so on. This saves time for the recipient and also enables you to make quick adjustments if required.

It saves resources and time

In the past, people had to handwrite request letters and mail them to their recipients through “snail mail.” This process took money, resources, and a lot of time. Sending an email today is much easier! Meeting request emails are free and don’t rely on a mail delivery service.

Warm Meeting Request Email vs Cold Meeting Request Email

An important distinction to make when crafting a meeting request email is whether it is warm or cold. In simple terms this means do you already know the person or not? The cold request is what we have talked about already but if somebody already has a connection to you or has shown an interest then you will want to be less formal and can be more familiar.

When putting together a warm email you should not take it for granted that the recipient wants to work with you, but you can assume some level of interest so your job is to confirm why you will be good to work with. In a cold email you are starting from scratch and have to assume the recipient has never heard of you, having no idea of what you can offer.

Examples of people you might send warm emails to:

  • Somebody you met at a networking event and explained a little already about what you do.
  • Somebody who has interacted with your social media page and shown an interest in your work.
  • Somebody you may have worked with already in the past and are looking to re-establish a relationship with.

Examples of people you might send cold emails to:

  • A company you have identified as having similar goals to you who you think you have something you can offer.
  • Someone you have been told is looking for freelancers but has not heard of you.
  • Someone who has shown an interest in the type of work you do in general but not you personally.

Getting the Right Tone

Tone is massively important when requesting a meeting. The degree of formality you should use depends on how well you know the person you are contacting, but think also about the nature of their work. If you are contacting an attorney to offer accounting services, say, you will go for a more serious tone than if you're a freelance writer contacting a vibrant youth culture magazine offering to write an article.

Again, try to put yourself in the shoes of the person receiving the email. What will show them that you understand their work, or their target demographic? How can you show your personality without being too familiar? Choose your words carefully based on who you are trying to establish contact with. Show them that you speak their language and they will be far more inclined to set up a meeting.

How to write an effective meeting request email

We've talked extensively about the meaning, types, and benefits of writing a meeting request email. Now let’s talk about how to set one up! Here are some excellent tips to make your work easier and more professional.

1. Begin with a distinct and professional subject line

The subject line is the first thing recipients will see when they receive an email. Choosing a brief, irresistible subject line to kickstart your email will help you inform your recipients about your intentions for sending them an email.

Also, try to include words like “request,” “schedule,” or “meeting” in your subject line. Doing this will increase the likelihood that your recipients will open and read the message immediately after receiving it.

Another helpful trick to get their attention is adding personal details to the subject line, like their name. The following are examples of an ideal subject line for a meeting invitation email:

  • Amanda Sparks proposed we meet soon
  • Request to schedule a meeting
  • Monthly project meeting request
  • Hello John! Please reply regarding the meeting date and time

2. Choose an appropriate greeting

A quick greeting is usually the opening line for a meeting request email. Before selecting the proper greeting for your recipient, consider your relationship with them first. For instance, a meeting request email to a close coworker or client may simply begin with the sentence, ‘Hello Joanne.'

On the other hand, if you’re requesting a meeting with someone you’re not familiar with, it’s usually more appropriate to use formal greetings, such as “Dear Mrs. Sharon” or “Dear Mr. Todd.”

In cases where you don’t know the gender or preferred pronoun of the recipient, you can use their last and first name. Doing so will help you maintain a professional and respectful tone in your email. For instance, you can use “Dear Wilson Peter.”

3. Make a proper and detailed introduction

Requesting a meeting with an individual who you’re unfamiliar with or someone who isn't anticipating a message from you requires you to properly introduce yourself. Your message's body should contain a brief introduction about you, as it validates your email. Likewise, it gives the recipient a good knowledge of your role as a freelancer.

4. Describe the motive of the meeting

Giving a solid but brief explanation of why you want to meet gives the recipient an understanding of the motive of the meeting and its significance. Likewise, it allows the recipient to set aside enough time and better prepare for the meeting with you.

5. Present a flexible date and time

Include a particular date and time for the proposed meeting in your initial email. You can include two or three dates that you’re available, so you’ll have a better chance of finding a time that works for both of you. For instance: “I’m free to meet on Tuesday at 10 am, Thursday at noon, or Friday at 8 am.”

To make your schedule even more flexible, you can also add that you’re open to any other time and date proposal that works for them. For instance, you can add something like: “If you prefer to choose a different time and date for the meeting, please let me know.”

6. Request an approval

You can request a reply from the recipient to confirm they’ve received and approved the email. Their approval will help you prepare properly for the meeting.

You can also tell them the most appropriate way to confirm their approval and participation in the meeting. For example, you can ask them to reply to your email or call your business.

Additionally, you can send your recipient a clickable link that directs them to your digital calendar. This option allows them to accept your meeting proposal and approve the meeting in one click.

7. Provide your contact info when needed

If you happen to be meeting with a client in person, you might need to share extra contact information with the client. Sharing your phone number makes it easy for them to reach you minutes or hours before the meeting if needed.

8. Send a final reminder

It’s best to send the recipient a reminder a day or two before the scheduled meeting. The reminder should contain the date, location, and time of the meeting. This helps to refresh their memory and also keeps them updated.

If, after sending a reminder, they do not reply, you can consider giving them a quick call.

Meeting request email templates

Since you now know how to write a good email, the best way to get started is to go through some examples of different forms of meeting request email templates. Here are some of the email samples:

General and professional cold email

Scheduling a meeting with an individual you don’t know personally is tricky and easy to botch. You have to cover a lot in one email, such as who you are, where you work, what you have to offer, and why they should accept your meeting request. So, you want to provide these details as briefly as possible.

This cold email example/template will help you when writing yours, and you can use it for both external and internal sales.

Subject Line: Let’s meet to talk.

Dear {name of recipient},

I’m {your name}, the/a {your job title} at {your company name}. I've assisted and worked with {related examples of your clients and pain points}.

Seeing that you’re the/a {recipient's position} at {recipient's company}, I’m confident we can join forces to accomplish {major objective of the meeting}.

I would love to invite you to {location} for a meeting to further talk about this. I’m available on {two or three date and time options}. Would any of these times work for you?

Kindly inform me if a different time is more convenient for you.


{Your name}

Make sure you personalize the email with the correct name and details and verify that all the spellings are correct.

Formal meeting request email with someone you know personally

If you’re familiar with the recipient or have a close relationship with them, you don’t need an introduction to start your email. Here’s an example:

Subject Line: Requesting to arrange a meeting at your convenience

 Dear {Mr./Mrs. Last name},

I hope you’re doing well. The purpose of writing this email is to schedule a meeting regarding {major subject of the meeting}. If you find it convenient, I would like to propose we meet at {location, time, and date}.

Please confirm if you would be available or state your preference if you want to change the location or time.


{Your name}

If you aren’t sure if the recipient will accept your request or if you’re requesting a sales meeting, you can provide a few different options for the date and time. Also, you can elaborate more on the purpose of the meeting.

Informal meeting request email

You can write a friendlier or longer email if your recipient already has an idea of you or your business, like a potential client. Also, if the company you're pitching has a lighthearted/friendly branding, a friendly email wouldn't be a bad idea.

Subject Line: Coffee and pastries on me

Hello {recipient's name},

I’m {your name}, the {job title} at {your company name}. I’d love to get straight to the point, if you don’t mind.

I work exclusively in {projects relating to the recipient}, and I’m seeking to find new clients that deal with {pain points} to {solutions or values you offer}. I’ve helped {related examples of current or past clients and their pain points} to attain {relevant examples of your job}.

I’d love to talk more about how {your services} can help you achieve {main aim of the meeting}.

Are you available for a quick video call on {two or three options of time and date}?

I look forward to chatting with you.

{Your name}

Despite having the freedom to include some extra sentences, make sure you use them wisely. Use the sentences to convey value and create the best impression instead of providing excess information.

Casual follow up email

A follow-up email means you’ve met with the recipient on a particular subject matter and want to continue your discussion.

Hi {client's name},

I hope you’ve been doing well since we last talked about {topic of the meeting}.

I am following up to check if you still have interest in learning about how {your services} can help you with {pain points}. Do you still need an expert in {your services}?

If you do, I’d love to discuss this matter further. We can chat over the phone or a quick video call – whatever is convenient for you works for me.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

{Your name}

You can also highlight some details from your last meeting to personalize your email. It's best if you use a friendly tone.

How Can Indy Help?

Indy offers a range of templates and tools to help you streamline your working life as a freelancer. Check out our website to see what is on offer. As well as templates, there are tools that help with time tracking, project management, invoicing and all aspects of running a successful freelance business. There are plenty of free resources or affordable monthly or yearly plans to suit you depending on your needs. There are also many articles covering every aspect of freelancing life in Indy University. You will easily find what you're looking for.


In conclusion, the art of writing a compelling meeting request email involves brevity, personalization, creating intrigue, and following up appropriately. Mastering these elements allows you to lure prospective clients into a conversation, laying a fertile ground for selling your services. Remember, the email is not to showcase all you've got but to secure the meeting where you can fully demonstrate your prowess.

Circle back to Indy, the platform that keeps freelancers a step ahead in this craft. The professional and organized image that Indy facilitates is more than a mere tool—it's a freelancers’ companion in their journey to attract, impress, and retain clients. With Indy, you're not just sending emails, you're creating persuasive first impressions, meticulously organized and managed to resonate with your target audience. Therefore, for the freelancer aiming to elevate their professionalism and organization, choosing Indy is not just an option, it's the optimal strategy in an ever-competitive freelancing market. Try Indy today, and transform your freelancing game.

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