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The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom as a Freelancer – This Week’s Must-Read Tips

May 19, 2023
(updated: May 16, 2023)
Max 5 min read

Remember this song? 🎶Money, money, money, mooonaaayyy🎶 It’s a topic that’s always top of mind. And as much as we love the freedom and flexibility of being our own bosses… Managing money as a freelancer can be tough.

This week, we’re showing you how to increase your prices (without angering clients) and build a secure financial future. Let’s dive in! 

Weekly Must-Read Tips

How to Tell Clients They Need to Pay More

With inflation on the rise, it’s more important than ever to adjust your pricing to keep up with the costs of running a business. Here’s how to turn this conversation into a win-win for you and your clients.

Anchor Pricing: Use This Powerful Technique to Increase Your Income

Tired of feeling underpaid or undervalued for your work? Then you absolutely can’t miss out on this powerful pricing strategy to boost your income. It’s a game-changer.

11 Ways to Diversify Your Income

Diversification is key to increasing your income, reducing your risk, and expanding your business. Check out 11 different strategies and tactics you can start using today.

Switching from a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

Ever feel like there’s not enough clients to go around? Getting stuck in this “scarcity mindset” is stressful and can lead to an undervaluing of your services. Here’s how to build a stronger reputation by shifting to an “abundance mindset.”

Why Every Freelancer Should Open a SEP-IRA

While freelancing offers many advantages, it also offers unique challenges (like managing your own retirement plan). Here’s why you should open up a SEP-IRA, a powerful tool to build a secure financial future while reducing your tax bill.


Boosting your income isn’t an overnight process, but with the right mindset and a solid plan in place, you can achieve your financial goals and build a sustainable freelance career. So whether you’re looking to improve your skills, network with other professionals, or explore new income streams, there are endless opportunities out there waiting for you to seize them.

And if you’re looking for an easier way to manage client relationships, Indy helps you create strong contracts that manage client expectations, communicate more effectively with clients, and get paid faster through simple yet powerful invoicing.

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