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From Rejection to Repeat Clients – This Week’s Must-Read Tips

May 12, 2023
(updated: May 16, 2023)
Max 5 min read

Building a successful business isn’t a walk in the park – but it sure beats the 9-5 grind, right? Whether you’re struggling to manage clients, balance your work-life, or handle rejection, we’ve all been there.

Get ready to uncover the biggest roadblocks that keep 80% of freelancers from scaling their businesses and the 7 soft skills you need for long-term success. We’ll also show you exactly how to increase repeat clients and turn rejection into a superpower. Let’s dig in!

Weekly Must-Read Tips

Turning Rejection into Success

Whether it’s rejection from a potential client or a critique of your work, rejection can be tough to handle. But it doesn’t have to be the end of the road, it can be the fuel that propels your success. 

Here’s how to turn rejection into your greatest asset.

4 Ways Freelancers Block Themselves from Scaling

Feel like you’ve hit a wall that’s keeping you from growing? If so, you’re not alone. Laura Briggs, a coach for thousands of scaling freelancers, reveals the 4 most common ways that freelancers block themselves from growing their businesses. Discover what’s been holding you back.

7 Soft Skills All Freelancers Need for Long-Term Success

What’s the secret to long-term success? Surprisingly, it’s not only about your technical skills. It’s about your soft skills. The most successful freelancers have mastered these 7 critical soft skills to transform their businesses. And now you can too.

How to Increase Repeat Clients: Every Freelancer’s Dream

Turning one-time clients into loyal, repeat customers who keep coming back for your services is the secret weapon that keeps you out of the “feast or famine” months. These effective strategies will keep your clients coming back for more.

7 Tips to Balance Freelancing and Family

It’s a common challenge that many freelancers face. But the good news is, you don’t have to choose between your family and your freelance business. With the right strategies, you can have both. Here’s 7 tips to help you grow your business without sacrificing family time.


Remember, success is a journey, not a destination, so don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way. Whether it’s treating yourself to a fancy latte or doing a happy dance in your living room, make sure to take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and progress. You deserve it.

And if you’re looking for an easier way to manage client relationships, Indy helps you create strong contracts that manage client expectations, communicate more effectively with clients, and get paid faster through simple yet powerful invoicing.

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