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How to Unleash the Power of Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) – This Week’s Must-Read Tips

Jul 20, 2023
(updated: Jul 18, 2023)
Max 5 min read

Do you know your unique value proposition (UVP)?

UVPs are a superpower for getting clients to choose you over another freelancer.

In this week’s tips, we’ll show you how to create a killer UVP, along with strategies to help you evaluate the right clients, navigate missed deadlines, and manage a busy schedule.

Weekly Must-See Tips

How to Create a UVP and Win More Clients

Knowing how to create and communicate your unique value proposition (UVP) is a powerful way to win more clients. 

Explore these techniques for compelling UVPs so you can showcase the value you bring to the table.

How to Know if a Client is Right for You

Finding clients that align with your values and work style is the dream. We'll guide you through the process of evaluating potential clients to ensure they’re a good fit for you.

How to Communicate a Missed Deadline to Clients

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, deadlines can slip through the cracks. Find out how to communicate a missed deadline professionally and effectively.

How to Politely Tell Clients “I’m Too Busy”

Balancing your workload is essential to preventing burnout and maintaining quality in your work. Check out these strategies for politely communicating your availability while maintaining a positive relationship.

How to Request an Update from Your Client

Having clear and open lines of communication with your clients is crucial for project success. Discover the best practices for requesting updates from your clients in a professional manner.


When you carefully evaluate clients, showcase your value, and effectively communicate, you can develop stronger client relationships that propel your business forward.

And if you’re looking for an easier way to manage client relationships, Indy helps you create strong contracts that manage client expectations, communicate more effectively with clients, and get paid faster through simple yet powerful invoicing.

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