Fillable PDF Invoice Template

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Invoice #
Reference #
Jan 31, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
Your Name
Your Company
Your Address
Clienrt's Name
Client's Company
Client's Address
Sep 28, 2021
Paid advertising
Oct 13, 2021
PR promotion
Oct 06, 2021
Link building
Total due
Hi Clienrt's! Thanks so much for the continued business. Looking forward to the next project.
Late fee
If this invoice is unpaid by the due date, a non-compounding late fee as a percentage of the invoice total in the amount of 10% will be applied monthly to the outstanding amount.
Thank you for your business.
Ready to get started? Sign up now and get paid fast with invoices that make it easier for clients to pay you.
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How it works

Don't wait another minute to get paid. Create your next invoice in minutes, accept flexible payment methods, and track the status of every payment in one place. Here’s how to get started:
Sign up for a free Indy account
Launch Indy’s invoice builder
Edit your invoice in minutes
Send it off with just a click
Get paid fast

Get paid quicker and easier

Indy Invoice templates take the pain out of billing.
  • Build and send an invoice in minutes.
  • Personalize your invoices with your brand color and logo, and leave a nice message for your recipient.
  • Accept payment by top credit and debit cards, check, wire transfer, direct deposit, and more.
  • Add your unbilled time tracks to your invoices as line items for easy payment.
  • Include discounts, late fees, and request deposits.
  • Make single invoices or set up recurring billing.
  • Send your invoices straight from Indy or export them to PDF to send them however you want.
  • Keep track of each invoice’s status, so you know who has paid and who to remind.
  • Set the estimates in your proposals to automatically generate invoices when accepted.

Fillable PDF Invoice Template FAQ

What is a fillable PDF invoice used for?

E-invoicing or e-invoicing are terms used to refer to a type of electronic billing that is intended to make the payment process and associated workflows more streamlined. To ensure that the terms of their trading agreements are followed through completely and successfully, trading partners such as freelancers and their clients use electronic invoicing systems to present and monitor transactional documents and ensure that the requirements of their trading agreements are followed through completely and successfully. 

Fillable PDF invoices are, at their core, digital documents that freelancers use to bill their vendors and clients for the products or services that they have provided. It is a method of initiating transactions between freelancers and the people who pay them that uses electronic PDF invoicing as a medium. 

The use of fillable PDF invoices is widespread across industries, and they can be used for a variety of tasks such as electronic invoicing, automated processing, and invoice delivery. 

Fillable PDF invoices are frequently used by businesses and freelancers alike to streamline and automate their digital payment workflows, which can save time and money. Independent contractors are able to devote more time and resources to other aspects of their businesses as a result of the cost savings realized through electronic invoicing. 

Additionally, electronic invoicing with a fillable PDF allows freelancers to maintain more accurate invoices and increase the traceability of their payment processes, both of which become increasingly important as freelance operations grow and expand. 

The flexibility provided by electronic invoicing with a fillable PDF facilitates an even smoother transition into current industry workflow patterns, which is especially important given the large number of freelancers who work from home or via the internet only. Touchless operations also contribute to improved cash flow because freelancers are able to allocate financial resources based on better-informed business decisions, which results in better cash flow. 

For freelancers who simply do not have the time or resources to manage the financial side of their businesses, electronic invoicing with a fillable PDF allows them to streamline the payment process. Consequently, freelancers are given the freedom to better organize their tasks, strengthen other areas of their workflows, and catch up on orders that have been delayed due to the economy. 

The elimination of paper and manual processing from the invoicing process results in significant savings for freelancers in terms of both time and financial resources. While electronic invoicing with a fillable PDF is convenient, the true value lies in the level of integration it allows your freelance operation to achieve—not only with your clients, but also with your invoicing software and other business operations. 

Fillable PDF invoices can be integrated directly into current payment workflows, which can further simplify touchless invoice processing for freelancers who use more advanced business management tools, such as AP automation solutions, to further streamline invoice processing. 

Sending and receiving fillable PDF invoices is an important first step in initiating the digital transformation of your freelance business, and it’s also a crucial element in ensuring your critical business operations are efficient and scalable enough to support future business growth and development.

How to create a fillable PDF invoice?

Your fillable PDF invoices can be created in a variety of ways depending on your payment processing software. 

Many invoice management systems today provide in-platform invoice creation tools that allow customers to customize their experience while maintaining a one-stop payment solution for both parties. 

One-stop billing systems also offer automated payment reminders, upfront deposits, and retainer management. With Indy's professional invoicing software, freelancers have access to powerful tools that streamline the entire invoicing process. 

For programs lacking in-platform invoice creation tools, starting with the invoice management system's preferred format is a good place to start. To create a fillable PDF invoice, use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and export the file as an.xls or.csv file. 

Once you've designed an invoice template that meets your business's needs and reflects your freelance brand, you can export it in either of these file formats for processing. 

Choose from a library of templates to build your fillable PDF invoice in Microsoft Excel. For more creative freelancers, you can start from scratch. Then, customize the invoice to reflect your freelance brand, and include all transactional details prominently on the document. You can export the sheet as a fillable PDF using a document editor like Adobe Acrobat Pro. 

The process for creating a fillable PDF invoice in Google Sheets is similar. Users can choose from a small set of pre-designed invoice templates or create their own from scratch. You can export the sheet as a fillable PDF using a document editor like Adobe Acrobat Pro.

For all invoices, key elements include the following: 

  • client and/or vendor contact details
  • unique invoice number (for internal tracking purposes)
  • invoicing/transaction date
  • itemized list of products and/or services rendered 
  • subtotals for each product and/or service
  • payment due dates
  • payment totals, including taxes applicable to your area

How to send a fillable PDF invoice?

When it comes to electronic invoicing through the use of a fillable PDF, the functionality is designed with ease of use in mind. Fillable PDF invoices are a convenient and quick way for freelancers to bill clients for the products and services they have provided. They are also supported by features that ensure transparency and traceability throughout the entire payment process. 

By incorporating electronic invoicing into their payment workflow, freelancers gain access to an invoicing solution that can be sent to clients immediately, allowing them to make payments in a manner that is convenient and accessible to them. The result is that clients have a more pleasant payment experience, and freelancers are paid more quickly when the process is done correctly. 

How you send your fillable PDF invoices to clients will be determined by how your invoice was created as well as how you manage your payment process. 

Sending your fillable PDF invoice should be fairly simple if you rely on an all-in-one invoice management system as your primary payment solution; otherwise, the process may be more complicated. Invoices are automatically forwarded to your client for review once they have been updated with the most recent transaction and are ready to be sent out for payment. The client can then proceed to make a payment directly through the platform from that point. 

The procedure is the same whether the invoice was created in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets or in another third-party platform. The invoice must be exported in the file format required by the invoice management system before it can be made fillable in a document editor. Users must remember to do this once the invoice has been created using either platform's array of editing and customization tools. 

Billing statements and invoices can then be uploaded directly to the invoice management system and distributed to clients in accordance with the program's specific file sharing procedures. Invoices can be initiated by clients in accordance with the payment terms specified in your invoice, which you should specify as you build your invoice template in your chosen invoice creation tool.

What should be my hourly rate?

The entire task of putting a value on the work you do can seem difficult if you're a new freelancer who hasn't yet established an hourly rate. It is, however, an essential component of any hourly invoice, as it ensures that you are paid for your services. 

There are a number of important factors to consider when determining your hourly rate, all of which are intertwined with your freelance business operations plan, payment process, and the type of work you do. Consider the following factors when determining how much your time and services are worth billing for:

  • your competition within the job market
  • your bottom-line, or the figure you get after calculating how many resources (both time and money) you spend when fulfilling a project with a client before you make a profit
  • your credibility as a freelancer and business partner

When it comes to your job market competition, you should consider how much your competitors charge for similar services. Make adjustments based on your unique business model and offerings to avoid overcharging or undercharging your clients. To position yourself as economically and professionally competitive in the market, price yourself according to the market. 

It's critical to keep your bottom line and return-on-investment in mind as you work to determine your hourly rate. Calculate both the time and the money you spend to complete a project with a client to arrive at this figure. These figures should include the money you spend on materials as well as the time you spend on project-specific activities like traveling or building. 

From there, you can establish a base figure for calculating your hourly rate, ensuring that you profit from each transaction. 

You can also set your hourly rate by aiming for a specific annual salary. Determine a target salary that is realistic for your freelancing business's capabilities. Instead of overcharging your clients, use this method to calculate an hourly rate that reflects the competition in your industry market, and then adjust based on your freelancing business's resources. Set an hourly rate that reflects your target annual salary after calculating an estimate for your total annual expenses. 

At the end of this exercise, your profit margins may or may not be what you expected; however, this data will be useful in setting your initial rates and, later in the process, reevaluating your payments and workflows as you grow your freelancing business.

The billable hour—or the amount of time you charge a client for a specific task or activity associated with the project—is another important part of establishing an hourly rate for your invoices. 

Billable hours for a typical 9-to-5 job are consistent across the board: eight hours per day, 52 weeks per year. As a freelancer, you have greater scheduling flexibility and, as a result, greater payment flexibility. To come up with an hourly rate that truly represents the value of the work you provide clients, try to capture an accurate representation of the amount of time dedicated to each of your provided services.

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