Modern Invoice Template

Mail icon
Invoice #
Reference #
Jan 31, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
Your Name
Your Company
Your Address
Client's Name
Client's Company
Client's Address
Sep 28, 2021
Management review
Oct 06, 2021
IT consultation
Oct 06, 2021
TAX consultation
Total due
Hi Client's! Thanks so much for the continued business. Looking forward to the next project.
Late fee
If this invoice is unpaid by the due date, a non-compounding late fee as a percentage of the invoice total in the amount of 10% will be applied monthly to the outstanding amount.
Thank you for your business.
Ready to get started? Sign up now and get paid fast with invoices that make it easier for clients to pay you.
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How it works

Don't wait another minute to get paid. Create your next invoice in minutes, accept flexible payment methods, and track the status of every payment in one place. Here’s how to get started:
Sign up for a free Indy account
Launch Indy’s invoice builder
Edit your invoice in minutes
Send it off with just a click
Get paid fast

Get paid quicker and easier

Indy Invoice templates take the pain out of billing.
  • Build and send an invoice in minutes.
  • Personalize your invoices with your brand color and logo, and leave a nice message for your recipient.
  • Accept payment by top credit and debit cards, check, wire transfer, direct deposit, and more.
  • Add your unbilled time tracks to your invoices as line items for easy payment.
  • Include discounts, late fees, and request deposits.
  • Make single invoices or set up recurring billing.
  • Send your invoices straight from Indy or export them to PDF to send them however you want.
  • Keep track of each invoice’s status, so you know who has paid and who to remind.
  • Set the estimates in your proposals to automatically generate invoices when accepted.

Modern Invoice Template FAQ

How to create a modern invoice template?

It is a modern invoice template that allows businesses to produce outstanding invoices while staying on schedule. Traditional invoice templates cannot meet the demands of emerging enterprises producing innovative goods and offering out-of-the-box services. A current invoice template improves the overall appearance and feels of professional invoices. It also removes the possibility of human error and speeds up the billing procedure. Because labor is not required to produce invoices, these advantages result in up to 75% cost savings.

As a result, online companies provide a complimentary professional invoice template to produce an appropriate invoice and develop a brand image. These completely adjustable modern templates may be customized to meet niche-specific needs and produce a unique free invoice for companies.

Here are some more good arguments for using a current invoice.

  • Keep records of missed deadlines and payments that are past due.
  • Keep track of the client's account details.
  • Keep a record of vital financial information.
  • Make a list of all the information needed to file taxes.
  • Make a list of any unpaid debts as well as debtors.
  • Detail services are available.
  • Maintain a quick and straightforward bookkeeping system.

Types of modern invoices.

  • Standard invoice: it is what it says on the tin. It specifies how much a customer owes for services and items received.
  • Recurring invoice: it is a type of invoice that is used to collect payments regularly.
  • Prepayment Invoice: Before the services are completed, or the entire money is due, this type of invoice is used to collect a down payment or deposit.
  • Time-Based Invoice: Charges based on services done during a monitored interval are included in a Time-Based Invoice.
  • Credit Invoice: In the case of refunds or rebates, a Credit Invoice alerts clients of credits made to their accounts.
  • Debit Invoice: This Invoice represents an increase in the total amount owed by the client.
  • Mixed Invoice: A Mixed Invoice contains a breakdown of the overall cost and a list of fees and credits applied to the customer's account.

How to create a modern invoice template?

  • Include company name and contact information.
  • Add logo and chosen color scheme to match the business's branding.
  • Add the client's name, company name, and contact information to the list.
  • Create and enter a one-of-a-kind invoice number.
  • Include the invoice's due date and the invoice's date.
  • Provide a list of services or goods offered, together with descriptions and prices for each.
  • Calculate the entire cost and add it to the invoice's bottom line.
  • Provide the payment conditions and any other information.
  • Save

In just a few minutes, an invoice can be created and sent to clients through the internet. Prepare for the payment to arrive at the bank. The design can be personalized to match the company's identity and add flair. Payment will be received on time if contact information is provided for the business owner and the customer, including a unique invoice number and clear payment instructions.

How to send a modern invoice template to your clients?

It's time to receive compensation once a company has delivered a product or service to a customer. But first, the business owner needs to create an invoice and email it to clients. Many small companies and freelancers struggle with late payments, and while it won't always work, a clear and easy-to-understand invoice email can help get paid faster. Do you want to know how an invoice can be sent through email? Check for hints below.

Tips to follow

It's simple to figure out how to compose an email with an invoice attached. Here are a few essential pointers to guarantee that your clients can process your invoice as quickly as possible:

  • Attach the invoice as an attachment.

Do not copy and paste invoices into the email body. Attach it as a downloaded Pdf document instead. Clients will be able to save, print, or upload invoices to accounting software due to this.

  • Provide all pertinent information in the topic line,

Because many customers receive many emails, the easier it can be for customers to locate the invoices, the sooner the time for fees to be paid. Clients will find it much simpler to recognize invoices if businesses put all relevant information in the subject line, including the invoice number and due date.

If businesses have many invoices to send out, using invoice email templates saves a lot of time. All that has to be done now is to edit the vital information, which should only take a few minutes, and the invoice will be sent out swiftly and.

Clients may need to request a second invoice if businesses don't include all of the essential information or may fail to pay at all.

Sending an invoice through email isn't usually the end, though. Customers may put off paying at a later time. It's usually a good suggestion to call contacts in these situations since it's conceivable that the sent emails are just getting to the incorrect person. If this doesn't work, there may be a need to submit a formal letter to escalate the situation. Following procedures like dispatching debt collectors, collecting late payment interest, or filing legal action should only be taken as a last resort.

What are the alternatives for a modern invoice template?

There are a lot of alternatives to choose from. Simple invoices may be created with Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. However, these aren't the most user-friendly solutions for creating overdue bills. Microsoft Word is a word processor that may be used to create various documents, including letters and reports. In most cases, Word allows businesses to create beautiful documents. Adding line items, totals, and taxes, on the other hand, may be a real hassle.

Because of its automated formulae, several people advocate using Excel instead. Excel makes adding up totals and calculating taxes a breeze. 

Excel, on the other hand, falls short when it comes to graphics. Even when utilizing professionally created invoice templates, it's challenging to make the invoice seem professional.

Designers also utilize tools like Adobe Photoshop PSD, Adobe Illustrator, and Canva as alternatives. These can help to develop a beautiful invoice style, but some basic usage instructions will be needed. Experienced designers utilize these; therefore, mastering will take some time.

The best option is to use online invoice-generating tools and software. The best of both worlds can be combined with these tools! There's a lot of conveniences here, as well as a lot of styles.

However, an online invoice generator was created to be a perfect replacement for Word and Excel.

Here are a few more advantages of utilizing an invoice generator:

  • The invoice generators provide a professional layout.
  • They provide entirely customized invoices.
  • Clients and goods are stored for future usage automatically.
  • For the tax season, it is easy to keep simple records.

Switching to invoicing software if invoicing is done more than once or twice a month makes a lot of sense.

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